You will design and carry out a quarter-long research project (done in teams). I hope that these projects will lead to published papers. The timeline for the projects is as follows:
- 5/10: inform me of your group's membership. Groups should generally consist of 3 or 4 people. Your project partner will have a substantial effect on your experience in this course, so choose carefully.
- 5/10: inform me of your project choice. This will be a brief description of what you plan on doing for the quarter.
- 5/31 - 6/5: Project presentations. You can find more information about presentations in class.
- 6/12 @ 3:30pm: Final project due.
Project groups should be 3-4 members. Any other group size needs explicit approval by the professor.
This quarter I am not going to give out project ideas. You are responsible for coming up with a project idea by yourself, but I encourage you to start this process early and to solicit feedback from me.
Final presentation grading
See slides from lecture for more details on what we're expecting. We will grade you on:- Clarity and quality of presentation
- Ability to explain the problem and set the appropriate context
- Ability to explain the system you built
- Quality of the live demo
- How well you handle Q/A
Final project grading
See slides from lecture for more details on what we're expecting. This quarter we're going to use slides and source code as the artifacts that you're going to turn in for your grade. We will grade you on:- Code quality. To get points you must include a README file in your repo that outlines the basic structure of your code and how the concepts from your project map to actual code. Also, we're expecting significant contributions in real source code from all group members.
- Clarity and quality of explanation
- How significant was the system you built. We've been giving all groups feedback on this during our weekly meetings, so I'm not expecting any surprises here.
- Result. Basic results will get you most of the points, but we're reserving a few points in this category for exceptional results.
Project meetings
During the end of this quarter your group will have weekly meetings with Sam and the TA. Before this meeting we expect you to meet as a group and plan your week. These meetings can be short (30 minutes) but you must meet as a group to talk about what you did over the previous week, what you plan to do during the upcoming week, and any issues or problems that you've encountered.
Please note that these meetings are public and anyone is welcome to listen in on anyone else's meetings, but all students are required to be at their meeting time slot
As a part of your grade, before your weekly meeting with the professor you must turn in a document that summarizes your meeting. In particular:
- You will use Trello to keep an up-to-date list of what everyone is doing. Your Trello board will have a list of tasks divided into four categories: up next (priority order), in progress, blocked, and done.
- You will submit a short summary for all group members that includes a few sentences about (1) what did they do last week, (2) what are they going to do this week, and (3) any issues they're having / things they're stuck on.
- You will draft this document using Markdown and github. You will submit a link to this document directly in this assignment.
- Your document will include a link to your Trello board and any commits that team members submitted in the previous week.