Presentation and discussion leading

During the semester you will present one paper to the class. Each LECTURE will have 3-4 presenters, sign up by editing this Google Doc. I periodically grab this data from Google Docs and sync it to the course website. You can divide up the presentation responsibilities however you see fit and you will be graded as a group. You must present the paper(s) in a style where you assume everyone has read the paper, so you focus on the most important aspect of the work. You will also be responsible for clearing up any confusing aspects of the paper and for leading a discussion. Here is a rough guideline for how to lead a discussion:

  • 5 minutes (max) of background material. Explain what this paper is about and why it is important. Remember, we can assume everyone has already read the paper so keep it short!
  • 10-15 minutes of related work. Discuss some other work that may be related to the papers you are presenting and tie them together to help give a historical context of the work.
  • 20 minutes small group discussion. Come up with several questions to pose to the class to spark discussions. We will discuss in small groups first.
  • 20 minutes class discussion. Based on the small group discussions, the class will vote on topics to discuss as an entire class.

The first paper available to students is the Nested Kernel on 1/23.

Note: You must turn in a rough draft of your slides to the professor by 4pm the night before your presentation and after the presentation you must submit a summary of what each student contributed to the presentation.